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To maximize your return on investment (ROI) and avoid expensive turnovers and frustrating vacancies, 你得让你最好的圣地亚哥居民满意. 

One of the main factors affecting your profits is resident turnover. Vacant rental properties can lead to significant losses in rental income and high expenses in terms of marketing, repairs, 和维护. It’s essential to take proactive measures that will minimize turnover and keep your investment properties occupied. 

We’re sharing some effective ways for real estate investors to retain residents and increase revenues. Remember that when you’re establishing a resident retention plan, it’s a good idea to think about those residents as valued customers. 他们付房租, 就像对待其他顾客一样, you need to show them that you appreciate and value them. 

When you find and place high-quality residents, do everything you can to keep them. 


Good relationships with your residents will ensure you have an easier time retaining them. Those relationships depend on excellent communication. If there’s a complaint or a dispute, it’s likely that your residents want to be heard. 即使你不能解决问题, responding to their issue with empathy and care will make a big difference in how they feel about you and their rental experience. 

积极地倾听. 问问题. 确定他们需要什么才能感觉更好.

沟通也意味着无障碍. 你的居民需要知道如何联系到你. It’s important to be available 24 hours a day in case there’s an emergency at your investment property. 

Communication is key to maintaining a positive relationship. When you can communicate effectively with your residents and address their concerns as soon as possible, 他们会信任你, and they’ll be more likely to renew their lease agreement and stay in your property. 

定期与你的住院医生联系. 询问他们的租房经历, and get feedback on how you can improve your property and their comfort.


你在投资你的房产吗? 需要进行修理. Making improvements is a good way to retain residents. 

我们先来看看维护. Emergency maintenance problems require your immediate attention. If a resident calls to report a flood in the property or a problem with the sewer line, you need to get these things fixed right away to keep your residents safe and the property habitable. 

Respond to routine maintenance issues with the same sense of urgency. 一个会跑的厕所可能看起来没什么大不了的, but your residents will appreciate your immediate response. It’s also a good way to protect the condition of your investment. 

超出基本常规, emergency, 预防性维护, you need to think about curb appeal and modern upgrades. Consider improving the amenities and appliances in your investment property to enhance the living experience for your residents. Today, you’ll find a high demand for smart home technology such as Wi-Fi enabled thermostats and video doorbells. 愿意为你的病人提供他们想要的, and you’ll have an easier time avoiding turnover and vacancy. 


导致高流动率的原因之一是 租金率 这与市场不符. 当租金太高的时候, educated residents will move into a home that provides more value for less money. When you’re establishing your initial 租金率, study the market. Access good data on what similar properties are renting for. 至少在更新的时候,再做一次 市场分析. Set an increase that’s both compliant with any rent control laws and competitive in the current market. 这会让你的住院医生呆在原地. 


One of the simplest ways to avoid resident turnover and vacancy is to offer lease renewal incentives. 

To incentivize residents to renew their lease agreement, 你们可以在续借的时候提供一些特别的东西, 比如一个新的电器, 一个月的免费水电费, or maybe fresh paint or a professional carpet cleaning. Look for incentives that they care about which will entice them to stay. 

居民想要领养宠物吗? 减少宠物费用. 他们要求在公寓内洗衣了吗? 考虑提供洗衣机和烘干机. 这些东西比营业额少得多. You may also want to allow residents to make some adjustments to the property that will suit their preferences. When your investment property feels like home to your residents, they will be less likely to leave. 


公平房屋法公平住房 必须遵守法律 当你检查住院医生的时候. You cannot use subjective criteria or stray from your established standards. Make sure you spend some time investigating a resident’s rental history as part of your screening process. 你要找的是一个按时交房租的人, 良好的理财和信用十大赌博信誉网站, 并且有可证实的收入来源. 

You also want residents who complete their lease terms. 当你筛查的时候, be wary of residents who have broken leases in the past, 被驱逐, 或者几个月后就搬走了. You will avoid turnover and vacancy costs when you place a resident with a solid, reliable, 以及可核实的租赁历史. 

High resident turnover can significantly impact your profits and quickly become a headache. 作为一个房地产十大赌博信誉网站, you can take proactive measures to avoid turnover and minimize vacancy expenses. 这包括设定切合实际的租金, 妥善保管您的财产, 有效地与你的居民沟通, 提供租约续期奖励, 有效地筛选潜在的申请人. By adopting these methods, you'll be able to achieve a low turnover rate, 尽量减少费用,并获得更多的利润作为一个房地产十大赌博信誉网站.

你也可以把这个交给一个 专业物业经理 在圣地亚哥. We have an excellent track record of placing qualified residents and retaining them year after year. We invest in positive, productive relationships and we deliver an outstanding rental experience. 

If you need some help avoiding these expensive turnover costs and vacancy days, 与PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司联系. We’d be happy to customize a resident retention plan that fits your property and your 投资目标


