Property Management Blog


Ally Trygar - Thursday, March 14, 2024
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Rental increases are rarely a surprise. You invest in real estate; you know that increasing rent is necessary to keep up with market rental values and to maintain your property's profitability. 维护成本每年都在上升,经营成本也在持续上升. 当你的投资房产升值时,你也在努力增加你的现金流. Earning more rent gets you there. 

As an investor, 你理解并珍惜一年中的这个时候,当你准备续约和提高租金. 

然而,你的居民可能对这些增长有不同的看法. With rents rising pretty quickly over the last couple of years, even well-qualified residents are feeling the pinch. 通货膨胀也推高了所有东西的成本,从公用事业到杂货再到天然气. 

大多数居民预计租金会上涨,即使有全州范围的租金管制规定. There’s no reason to shy away from raising your rents. 关键是以一种客观的方式向居民传达这些租金上涨, empathetic, and firm. 

A good relationship will help. So will a San Diego property management partner

以下是我们与居民沟通租金上涨的一些最佳专业做法. If you’re managing your own investment property, 使用这些提示来沟通变化,同时保持你与你的居民积极的关系.

Provide Adequate Notice of Rental Increases

Check your lease agreement before raising the rent, 因为在那里你会发现在提高租金之前你需要通知你的居民的数量. Make sure you’re complying with the law. 加州的大多数房产都要求至少提前30天,最多提前90天通知. If the rent increase is less than 10 percent, 你必须在提价生效前30天发出通知. If the rent increase is more than 10 percent, you must provide notice 90 days before it can take effect.

When you provide your residents with the appropriate notice, explain that you're increasing rent and provide the new amount, 它生效的日期,以及你如何得出新成本的简短解释. 记住,如果租金上涨是基于通货膨胀, market trends or if it's a necessary adjustment. You don’t want to get into a lengthy analysis of the market, 但是向你的居民提供你的理由可以让他们理解为什么增加是必要的.

Always confirm your rental increase in writing, 即使你已经和你的住院医生谈过了他们可以期待什么.

Make Sure Your Rent Increase Is Reasonable


如果你的投资房产受加州租金管制法的保护, 你能涨多高的房租是有严格限制的, and that limit will depend on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). 

沟通租金上涨的一部分是引导你的住户去看你的租赁协议. If your property is exempt from California rent control laws, 你必须在租赁协议中写明豁免条款. 租约续订期是确认这种语言存在的好时机. 

突然或过高的价格上涨可能会导致长期居民的价格上涨,并给他们一个离开的理由. Retaining residents is critical to your investment success, so when you communicate the rental increase, 一定要让他们知道你很感激他们对房子的精心处理, you value their relationship with you, and you hope they’ll sign on for another year or longer.

Remain Professional When Delivering News of a Rental Increase

As you prepare to deliver the news, communicate professionally, 并以书面形式提供细节,以便将其记录下来,并与住院医生的理解保持一致. 

Your communication needs to be concise and straightforward. In detail, 沟通租金上涨的原因,以及你的住户对新租约的期望. 愿意回答他们可能提出的任何问题,并以此为契机加强你与住院医生的关系.

Responsiveness will be crucial. 如果你的住院医生要求会面或需要澄清,你要随时待命. 

Technology and Rental Increases 

If you’re not already leveraging technology to make screening, leasing, maintaining, and managing your investment properties more efficient, you should start. Communication improves with technology as well. 在与居民沟通租金上涨时,自动化您的流程. 这在生成租赁协议和租金通知时很有帮助. 你会发现你的业务效率低下的情况会减少,租金的上涨也会更加系统化和市场化.

San Diego Property Management Help

聪明的十大赌博信誉网站了解圣地亚哥专业物业十大赌博信誉网站的价值, and if you’re already working with a management partner, this is an excellent time to start. 您的物业十大赌博信誉网站团队将处理所有的细节,否则会占用您的时间和资源. 与居民沟通租金上涨只是我们工作的一部分. 我们也在投资于我们的居民关系,并收集有关市场的数据,以便推荐 rental values that make sense and are both competitive and profitable. 在圣地亚哥和整个加州,我们也遵守所有与出租投资性房产相关的法律要求. 

让您的物业经理处理有关租金上涨和整个租赁续期过程的沟通. It’s better for you, your residents, and your property.

要想成为一名成功的房地产十大赌博信誉网站,与居民沟通租金上涨是必不可少的一步. 你如何传达这个信息会对你和你的居民的关系产生重大影响,并对他们是否搬出去或续签租赁协议产生影响. 

Contact Property Manager

Again, leaving this to a professional property manager is best. If you’re doing it alone, however, 这些建议将帮助你在下次沟通租金上涨和改善你与你的居民的关系. 

If you have any questions, we’d be happy to answer them. 请与PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司联系,了解您在圣地亚哥的所有住宅房地产需求. 

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